2009-2010. District
Water Supply, Sanitation and Natural Resource Management (NRM) at Posto administrativo Laclubar and
Natarbora, municipio Manatuto. The project intervention for Suco Orlalan, Suco
Uma Boko no Suco Abat Oan with total 7 water supply system construction. Funded
by DWASH and USAID with total amount: US$ 340,000.00
8. 2008-2009, New construction of water supply system at suco Hatuquesi, posto administrative Liquica, municipio Liquica. Funded by Japan Embassy uder the GGP Project. Totalgrant: 42,200.00 www.timor-leste.emb-japan.go.jp.
9. 2005-2006, Rehabilitation
of water supply system at Suco Vaviquinia, Posto administative Maubara. Municipio
Liquica. Funded by AusAID with total grantt US$ 13,000.00
10. 2004-2005, New
construction of community public latrines at Suco Leotala, Posto administrative
Liquica, municipio Liquica. Funded by CIDA-Canada with grant US$ 8,500.00
11. 2003-2004,Rehabilitation of water Supply system at Suco Vatuvou, posto
administrative Maubara. Municipio Liquica. Funded by AusAID with total grant
US$ 13,800.00
12. 2003-2004. New
construction of Water Supply at aldeia Cabuilimo and Mankolhata, Suco Loidahar
and Dato, posto administrative Maubara, municipio Liquica. Funded by Embassy of
Japan under GGP Project. Total grant US$ 57,897.00
13. 2002-2003, Rehabilitation
of Water Supply System at aldeia Camalehohoru, Suco Vaviquinia, post
administrative Maubara, municipio Liquica. Funded by AusAID with total grant
US$ 13,000.00
14. 2002-2003, New
Construction of community public Latrines at aldeia Hekar and Lisaiko, Suco
Dato Foho, posto administrative Liquica, municipio Liquica. Funded by AusAID
with total grant US$ 2,900.00
15. 2002-2003, New
Construction of Water Supply System at aldeia Hekar and Lisaiko, Suco Dato
Foho, post administrative Liquica, municipio Liquica. The project funded by ADB
and WSS Dili with a total grant US$ 29,398.29