Aplimentect Engineering Team left for Oecusse district for conducting a survey for three weeks. The survey will focus on the 12 water systems in six villages around district of Oecusse. The project funded by USAID Timor-Leste as ongoing project of DWASH which uncompleted in 2012. The engineering team is consist of 2 civil engineers, 2 community facilitators and 6 water surveyors.
According to Eng. Antonio Miguel de Jesus as
Engineering Team Leader,
the purpose of the the
survey is to retrieve the data from the 12 water systems.
The survey is included assessment for site construction,
transmission, distribution, topographic
and checking the remaining ingredients in the warehouse. This project has actually run by USAID DWASH but it has stopped in 2012 after the contract is completed.
Aplimentec Foundation entrusted by USAID Timor-Leste for engineering assessments have two months to conduct field surveys, design and development. USAID has instructed to Aplimentec for providing the full reports of the survey by the end of June 2013. The reports include: general site conditions, new BoQs design, schedules, construction designs, analysis, hydrauliccalculation and developing the cost prices for the project..
According to the plan, Aplimentec will conduct field surveys during 13-30 May 2013. Furthermore, between June 1 to 14 the engineering team will convoy the datas, analysis and development. Aplimentec will present the final report to USAID by 25 to 30 June 2013.(Adi/Apl)