Nuno Miguel, Director of
Aplimentec informed, “The physical progress will be reached 30 % by the end of
this month (March). We are working hard to complete the intake construction,
ferocement and pipe installation. Then, we will start transmission installation
from ferocement 10m3 to reservoir 30m3 in Kailema with
total distances approximately 4620 m by the beginning of April 2019”. Mr. Nuno
added, by the end of April they expected to achieve 40 % physical progress of
transmission lines.
Concerning the progress,
Chief of Village of Darulete, Mr. Tracisio dos Santos confirmed the work
progress is very constructive. Aplimentec Foundation has good plan and properly
management execution. They (Aplimentec) have good communication and
coordination with local leaders, GMF members and community in progressing the project.
Community is as well as has full support and participation. Therefore, we
optimistic that the project will completed on time by the end of August 2019 as