Contact Person for Engineering Consultant
Director and Team Leader
Antonio Miguel de Jesus - (+670) 7420487
Management and Resources
Maria Amelia, SE (+670) 7325799
Francelino de Jesus, SE
Eng. Nelson - (+670) 7549734
Arch. Sergio AXC Goncalves - (+670) 7298056
Water Supply
Eng. Antonio Miguel
Bridges and Roads
Eng. Ladislau Maria das Dores- (+670) 7279389
Eng. Winaburka (+670) 7315838
Surveyor and Draft-men
Eng. Nelson
Leopoldino dos Santos
CAD and Designs
Arch, Ursunalo Maria Soares
Arch, Domingos Soares
Chemical and Laboratory
Eng. Felipe C. Da Costa - (+670) 7757739
Mechanical Engineer
Eng. Hugo Jose de Jesus Goncalves - (+670) 7404444