Mr. Nuno said, "We have sent the report to Local Government include DSASAM and post administrator Liquica about the 60 % progress of Darulete project. This reports is part of our communication strategic to ensure government aware of the progress and they will take over the responsibility after project hand over in next September 2019". Aplimentec is maintaining regular communication with local government to assure their commitment for the projects".
The reached target 60 % of physical progress included : completed rehabilitation 1 intake, new construction 1 ferocement reservoir with 10 m3, installation transmission pipes with total 3428 meter and rehabilitation of reservoir tank 30 m3. The next activities will be targeted than 40 % of physical construction by the middle of September 2019. The activities covered new construction of 1 Ferocement tank 10m3, 3210 distribution lines and new construction of 14 community public taps.
Social activities also reached 60 % of progress. The social activities included: CAP Process, training and capacity building to GMF group, socialization of Community water regulation and community monthly fees contribution. Recently, community has run 60 % of the activities. Water regulation will be approved by Local government in the end June 2019.
According to Mr. Nuno, the project will be inaugurated by middle of September 2019.