According to Director of Aplimentec Foundation, Mr. Nuno Miguel, the project will run for seven months (June to December 2019). The project will be focus in 3 main activities such as : rehabilitation of community water supply, capacity building, support community livelihood and environment protection. The project will be implemented in aldeia Vatunau, Suco Vatuvou, Maubara post Administrative, Liquica municipality.
Mr. Nuno said, "This project is community based program. Therefore, community's participation key to success and achieve the program objective. The main activities are water supply, community livelihood, environment protection and capacity building. Those activities demand full participation of community. We will work close with all community elements including local leaders, community members and and households. Aplimentec as well as will communicate and coordinate the program with local authority particularly Department of Agriculture and Water Supply Services in Liquica municipality".
This project is funded by UNDP and GEF with Low Values Grant Agreement. Total agreement for the project is 30,230.00 that covered water project, environment protection, livelihood program and capacity building.
Aplimentec Foundation will commence the project by the early of June 2019. First step is coordinating the program with local government, local authority and community for program engagement. The second step is a preparation for full program implementation till its finalization by December 2019. (Reported by: Bonifacio/Media)