"Water and Environment"

Friday, May 10, 2019

Community Kailema Starts Monthly Fees Contribution

Community at sub village Caimela starts the monthly contribution fees for the Water System at Suco Darulete, Liquica Post Administrative, Liquica municipality. The monthly fees is organized by GMF (Local Water Committee). The funds collections based on community households. Each household mandotaroy contribute US$ 0.50 per month. The main objective is to support water maintenance and to sustain the water system post construction hand over.

GMF is a community water based group that has an important roles to ensure the water distribution system as well as to guarantee community water access. Community monthly fee is a key strategic to sustain the community water system and involve community participation for maintenance, repairs and rehabilitation.

This community monthly fees is part of GGP Program that funded by Embassy of Japan in Timor-Leste. The project responsible by Aplimentec Foundation. According to Jose Piato (Aplimentec Community Facilitator), "GMF in Kailema starts collection monthly fees based on community households. Each households contribute US$ 0.50 / month. Aplimentec roles is to support the GMF to collect fund including managing the community funds". Jose said most 87 households in Cailema has provides monthly feeds. Some paid for 1 months, other paid half year and a year. "87 households already paid the monthly fees. It is around US$ 403.50 collected. The fund will be managed by GMF Finance.

The community funds collection was started last month and will organize monthly. GMF will managing the community funds and reported back to community by monthly.