Aplimentec provides humanitarian engineering skills
for water, sanitation and hygiene programs in communities. Most of the programs
are implemented in rural areas that have been identified as high priority
targets. All Aplimentec staff: engineers, technicians, community facilitators
and trainers, are well trained to provide humanitarian engineering services.
The services not only focus on the physical construction, but also empower the
community to help themselves through capacity building, enhanced awareness, and
ownership management.
Our water projects are oriented to full community participation
– from decision making about the location of tap stands, physical construction, and then empowering a local organization to sustainably manage
and maintain the system. Aplimentec encourages participation and shared roles
and responsibilities throughout all facets of the community. Aplimentec design
water systems taking into consideration appropriate technology, asset life,
security of supply, protection for a healthy environment and sustainability.

have 10 engineering staff with skills in structural design, civil, mechanical,
electrical, and chemical engineering. They have experience in carrying out
engineering survey; design; cost estimation; writing technical specifications;
condition assessments; construction supervision, monitoring and quality control
for water and sanitation infrastructure.

Aplimentec Engineering Consultant (AEC) was
established in 2009. The AEC are licensed as Engineering Consultants, and can
therefore provide services to the Government. Profits from AEC go to Aplimentec
Foundation. AEC are available for engineering consultancy services including
the survey, design and construction management for water infrastructure,
irrigation, buildings, roads, and bridges.
have a professional team of community facilitators who organize communities in
various activities. Activities include water programs, sanitation-hygiene
promotion, and natural resources management.
programs and Health Promotion (WASH)

facilitators work with the community to implement community lead total
sanitation (CLTS), and hygiene promotion. These activities are conducted
regularly through behavior change communication (BCC), monitoring, mentoring
and training.

Working Experiences

Most of
the partnership programs were for engineering survey and design, community
water supply construction, health promotion (WASH) and natural resource
management (NRM). Most projects were for rural communities. Aplimentec can also
support urban water supply planning, capacity building, and engineering
Aplimentec strives to build relationships with
donors and partners through mutual respect and shared values. For more
information visit us: