Director, Mr Nuno informed, "Aplimetec has established the coordination with local
government and local leaders for community meeting. The community meeting conducted in 9 February
2019 which involves all local authorities such as Administrator of Post
Administrative Liquica, Chief of Village, school director, Community police
officer, community members in Darulete and other local representatives". According to Mr. Nuno, the
objective of the meeting is to socializing the programs as well as to encourage
community's support, participation and initiative to complete the project by the
end of September 2019.
Nuno said, some activities have been done. Mr. Nuno Said, “we have a public
meeting with the community. The meeting is running well. Participation and
support from local authorities are important. They agree to take part of GPP
project and provide contribution as they can. Community agreed to follow the GGP
agreement including the establishment of GMF and Community Action.”
Nuno also informed Aplimentec Foundation will work closely with Chief of
Village to organize the plan Community Action Plan (CAP). Community Action Plan activity or as known as
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) will running for 5 days from 11-15 February
2019. The activity is including the establishment of GMF (Community Management
Group for Water). The CAP process will be facilitate by Aplimentec’s
Facilitator team and FPA (Government Water Supply Department).