"Water and Environment"

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Aplimentec’s CAP Refreshing

22 July 2012 
Posted by AdY

Aplimentec‘s Community Development Coordinator, Marcelino Gari said, they have run the CAP (Community Action Plan) refreshing for 5 days. The CAP refreshing was conducted in 16-20 July 2012 at Aplimentec Engineering Training Center Liquica. The CAP refreshing was involved 15 community facilitators’ staff from Liquica, Dili and Manatuto.  

According to Marcelino, “the CAP refreshing is intended to update information that concerning to new strategic for developing the community facilitation project. It is also intended to enable the facilitators’ staff to share lesson learnt of the CAP tools from their previous experiences”.

Therefore, added Marcelino, “the CAP orientation is not only to enhance staff capacity but also to develop tools and methods approach that needed by facilitator to implement the community WASH project in the future”.

Moreover, “CAP refreshing is an opportunity to review the CAP and its methodology. We have more time to criticizes, discuss and shares the ‘relevant’ of CAP and its tool. It is important to facilitators’ staff to understand CAP and the way to implement its tools. Some tools maybe will take out and others still keeping on module”, said Manuela Soares who was a senior Aplimentec’s community facilitator.

Aplimentec will continue to conduct regular training to its staff to ensure that they awared and updated of information, particularly community programs. It is also a part of Aplimentec’s capacity building strategy to develop human resources inside the institution that enable them to provide a good quality services during their works inside community. (Adi/Apl)