"Water and Environment"

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Training on Community Action Plan (CAP)

Posted by: Aplimentec Foundation,  29 November 2010

Aplimentec Foundation conducted Community Action Plan (CAP) training for 5 days during 15-20 December 2010. The training was held in Aplimentec’s office in Dili. The training was organized by Aplimentec as a part of capacity building in annual plan calendar. 

According to Ms Julieta Maria, Aplimentec’s Human Resource Unit, the CAP training is intended to review CAP implementation. Therefore, all community facilitators are able to learn and provide input for enhancing their performance in the future CAP project. 

Julieta said, “This program as a part of our training calendar. All community facilitator are invited to attend the training. We expect that they will overview the CAP and provide new ideas, concept and update more information concerning to the CAP acitivities. Therefore, these information will use for the next CAP program in project fields”. 

The CAP training is important part inside WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) programs. It has become DNSAS policy for community rural mobilizing program in WASH. DNSAS with CRWSSP has conducted the CAP method that use as guideline for the training and implementation. Therefore, all facilitators in CAP is oriented to familiar with CAP concept include its materials before implement the program on community.  The CAP training was provided by Justiano as coordinator for CAP with support from Mr. Joao (CDO Manatuto – CRWSSP). 

The CAP material were used for review during the season was divided into 4 sections such: 1) material reviews;  2)CAP tools; 3) CAP sharing; and 4) CAP practices. For the CAP tools mostly review as: Social Map, Transect Walk, Seasonal Calendar Matrix Gender, Historical Term, History Telling, BCC, GMF formation and Focus Group Discussion. However, the training was running integrated. ]